Badarjhula, Chitwan

Number Of Villages Reached


Number Of Graduates


Number Of Churches Built


Number Of Souls Saved


Facilitator Bhakta Bahadur Sintan

My name is Bhakta Bahadur Sintan. I am from Chitawan district, Madi municipalty ward no.9.I was born in a Buddhist family and my grandfather was a Buddhist Lama. As I grew up, I went to Pokhara for work and while I was in Pokhara I got the opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I gave my life to Jesus. After that I faced persecution from the family and from the villagers too. After praying for a long time my two sisters believed in the Lord. And then we started to pray for our villagers and some people came to know Jesus. After that I went back to my village and planted a church. Since then I am serving the Lord preaching the gospel to the villagers and teaching the word of God to the believers. This is my heart’s desire to know more about the Lord I myself and train and equip many others. So, I want to host this video Bible class facilitated by Jesus Saves Network Nepal.Thanks


 62 miles from Central Nepal and 52 miles from JSN Center Pokhara.

Current Enrollment


Funding Needs