Jesus Saves Network In Nepal

JSN is here in Nepal to preach the gospel and disciple believers.  We provide free Bible School classes in 36 locations in Nepal and have bi-weekly classes via zoom.  Seasoned ministers from different countries come online and encourage our facilitators/students. 

Since January 2014, our facilitators in Nepal have been providing  the Bible School training via the computer and screen provided by our ministry.  JSN has partnered with Dr. Dale Denham of ISLOD to provide a outstanding curriculum. 

The students evangelize UnReached villages within walking distance of their homes.  Through our partnership with Jesus Film Project, students show a variety of films about Jesus via a portable big screen, laptop, ipad or cellphone depending on the circumstances. 

Over 1000 converts have been recorded since our efforts began in 2014.

JSN has established a Nepal Office in Pokhara and the director is Lako Lama.  (See leadership tab on this page)

Dan and Mary Winters are the founders of the Jesus Saves Network which is now in 182 countries via internet ministries.  The network site is and we invite you to visit this site to learn about entire ministry of The Jesus Saves Network. 

The Global operations are ran by Teri Winters. Visit for more about her personal ministry.


History of Christianity in Nepal

In 1628, Portuguese Father Juan Cabral, during the reign of Laxmi Narsingha Malla, ruler of Kantipur, 1620-1641, entered Nepal. He had permission from the King of that era, King Lakshminarasimha Malla to preach Christianity in Kathmandu valley. This fact became the first recorded alliance and visit of a Christian foreigner in Nepal.

But basically, gospel was brought to Nepal by Nepalese who were outside Nepal, as they come in and go. It is said that United Mission to Nepal and INF, along with other Christians living in India, came to Nepal with other western missionaries.

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History of Church In Pokhara

The church was founded in 1999 by Kar Lama Tamang who was born in 1965 in the village of Ree, Dhading where he grew up being trained in the Buddhist culture. About 1990 he accepted Christ and soon went to Kathmandu and entered training to become a pastor. The Lord placed it in his heart to move to Pokhara to proclaim the gospel where he began worshiping in a small rented room. The house church began to grow and in 2007 they purchased some land and continued to pray for a church building to house the congregation for worship services.

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First Graduating Class of Bible Schools

JSN Nepal began Bible Schools in ?? locations in 2014 with ?? students.  The first graduating class was in 2016.  READ MORE..

IT ALL BEGAN WHEN:  Founder Dan Winters connected with Lako Lama in late 2012 via Facebook.  After communicating often and much prayer it was decided that Teri Winters would make the trip to Nepal in October 2013.  The trip began with ministry in the local church of Pastor Prem Tamang of Kathmandu.  Two days later they traveled to Pokhara for a youth conference sponsored by JSN.  Over 450 youth were in attendance along with several native pastors.

Founder Dan Winters, Dr. James Cossey, Dr. Dale Denham, Pastor Mitch Maloney and Pastor John Gann taught via live stream from America.  In the days after Teri  met with the native pastors and made the plans to launch Bible Schools in Nepal through a strategic partnership with The International School of Leadership Development. (ISOLD)  ENJOY THE SLIDE SHOW BELOW OF THE LAUNCHING TRIP OF JSN IN NEPAL!!

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