Be a part of something BIG—make an eternal difference today! You will be partnering with us to bring the message of hope through salvation in Jesus Christ, discipling new converts and educating students through Bible School training.
You can be a partner with Jesus Saves Network and together we can do far more than any of us could ever do alone! Let’s REACH THE UnREACHED!
JSN Nepal is going into the unreached villages in Nepal and we need to be equipped with tools for ministry which include:
- Brochures of “Who is Jesus” in English and Nepali.
- Jesus Film and other Christian training films.
- Internet access to provide Bible School training, “Weekly Lessons” by Rev. Teri Winters and others in English and Nepali.
www.faithlibrary.cc that publishes sermons and other resources for pastors and laity. - Computers, printers and office supplies.
- Bibles for the new converts.
- Generators to provide electricity to show Jesus Film during evangelism services in the villages.